Aftermarket activity

Industrialization of innovative projects

Partnership with Les Comptoirs

It is official! We are proud to be working with Les Comptoirs. What’s that? Les Comptoirs is a young company based in Joinville (we can almost say we are neighbors), born of the Territoire Zéro Chômeur de Longue Durée initiative. It offers a wide range of services for individuals and businesses in the Joinville area, including a family-friendly space, organic market gardening, a solidarity grocery store, and services for local businesses and residents.

It’s against this backdrop that our company has decided to enter into a one-year partnership with Les Comptoirs, whose solidarity and commitment to the Communauté de Communes du Bassin de Joinville en Champagne we appreciate.

Working with Les Comptoirs means that our employees can benefit from services that make their day-to-day lives easier, such as having their groceries (drive) delivered directly to the workplace, having their lunch delivered, having a parcel dropped off or picked up at a retailer or locker, or having their car cleaned…

The company will also benefit from advantages that will save its teams precious time, particularly when organizing meetings and/or events. Les Comptoirs can provide a meeting room, a delivery service or even small maintenance and handling jobs.

As a local player, we are convinced of the need to support innovative initiatives, especially when they lead to the creation of new jobs. We therefore hope that this first year of collaboration will be fruitful and beneficial for both our companies.

If you would like to support Les Comptoirs, or simply find out more, click here: